A crown (cap) is used to restore the size, shape, appearance, and function of a tooth that has been damaged but not lost. It is used to restore a tooth that has had root canal treatment, has a large restoration (filling) or has been fractured. It can also be used to cover discolored or misshaped teeth. A crown will protect your tooth from further damage. It is also used to restore dental implants.
There are many types of crowns. A crown can be made of metal (gold), composite resin (tooth-colored material), porcelain, and porcelain fused to metal. Dr. Hynes will discuss with you which type of crown is best for your tooth.
A crown normally takes 2 visits but my require additional time depending on whether or not your tooth needs a new restoration first, root canal treatment, a post or gum surgery. A crown may also require additional time if you need orthodontic treatment (braces) or if you would like to whiten your teeth first.
A crown can last 10 years or longer if you take care of it by brushing and flossing regularly. Dr. Hynes will examine your crown every 6 months during your recall exam. It is important to remember that a crown may not be as strong as your natural teeth. You should avoid biting down on hard objects or using your teeth to open or cut things.